11 August 2021
Booming head, feeling decidedly unwell but most of us women “soldier on” as they call it. Sometimes though it’s nice to be able to hang out the white flag of surrender and pop yourself into bed. Today is one of those days. Well tonight anyway. Those nice clean sheets and soft pillow are beckoning. I admire so many who push through the pain and discomfort to help and assist their family and friends. I’ve often thought when those who have chronic pain and sickness continue to try and live a normal life, they are living heroes. A special Grace is given to those people. The families also are truly graced…
4 August 2021
“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” – Søren Kierkegaard What a true quote! When we look back on our life with the light of Christ shining on and in it, we often see the hand of God. We understand more about our humanity. How weak we truly are in some circumstances while in others so strong that we know Christ was carrying us. We understand how immature we were and some of us needed to “grow up” as the saying goes but in a not so funny way, we needed to go through some things to mature. Our focus comes off ourselves, our careers…
28 July 2021
The training has come to an end. The preparation is done. It’s now or never (not quite). The whistle is about to blow, the cauldron is about to be lit and the games of the Olympiad’s is about to begin. So many across the world are glued to their TV sets or listening on the radio. I am one of them. Every spare moment I have I’m watching, cheering our team on but also cheering and feeling that exaltation when the underdog wins. There must be only one winner with a gold medal but often I wish that all would get a medal, for their effort, their perseverance, what they…
21 July 2021
I’m a big softy, always have been. The other night Bruce and I were watching a movie. Part way through it I needed to get up to get the tissues for the tears pouring down my face. As I looked across to Bruce, I saw tears in his eyes too. Now I know that we are just watching a movie, often a storyline that is made up. But some of the stories hit my heartstrings and feel so real. The actors are so real. The way the movie is made makes it seem so real. My spirit seems to connect with the mood or spirit of the storyline. The older…
14 July 2021
I feel like I’m going up and down an escalator. Never getting to the top. Each time I look up I’m still so far from the top. Just an analogy of how I feel within me right now. Tired, drained, so much to still do on my ‘to-do’ list. Even the deep breaths I physically take in don’t seem to help. Then I think a good night’s sleep will fix everything. NO, it’s the same in the morning. You know that heavy cloud that hangs over you. It could be your work, your family, your health. Your………. I feel so drained I can’t even think straight. My mind is in…