• 7 July 2021

    It came out of the blue. I was not prepared. My co-worker leaned across to my desk and said with a “harsh” voice. “Don’t ever tell me to do that again!” I was like a deer in headlights, as the saying goes. I had no idea where it came from. Why it came. I was stunned. So I said, “oh I’m sorry”, not truly knowing what I had done to offend her? I started questioning why? What did I say? What just happened? Then after reflecting upon the whole scenario, I heard a quiet voice within me. “Don’t take offense. Your co-worker was speaking out of her past hurt. She…

  • 30 June 2021

    Whether it is a live match of soccer, a game of cricket on the television, or a replay of last night’s tennis match, I enjoy them all. I grew up in a household where we were encouraged to play sport from a young age.  My Dad especially (mainly because Mum was looking after the other little ones at home) would drive my brother and sister and myself early in the morning to swimming training before school. Tennis coaching was on the weekend and all the athletics and netball was done after school. I was never brilliant at any of them but a good all-rounder while the list of what I…

  • 23 June 2021

    A farmer plants a kernel of corn. Plants a whole row of them. Such a small thing. Maybe a cm by a cm, or half an inch by a half an inch in size. After watering it, feeding it with fertilizer, having planted it in good soil and praying for the sunshine, it grows. And grows and grows. And when it is time to harvest this one kernel (seed) produces a whole plant full of corn cobs to feed many. Upon reflection of planting and feeding and harvesting it can tell us many things about life. Jesus used these examples many times to share truths to those who would listen.…

  • 16 June 2021

    I’m chasing my tail again or juggling too many balls. It happens every couple of months. I either take on too much or I no longer can cope with a huge workload. It overwhelms me a bit. If I’m not careful it affects my inner peace. I feel that God is telling me something through these experiences. It’s like He’s waving a red flag so I will notice what is occurring. ‘Don’t take on so much. Say no. Prioritize what you take on and do.’ This feeling that I need to take some time out, often gnaws at me.  The thoughts of ‘Go away and spend some time with God.…

  • 9 June 2021

    I would love to share this story with you. Where it started out – not so good, was improving in the middle but the ending was incredible. It’s the story of Flora Beverley, an English fitness and health blogger who loved to run. Her first long distance races taught her many things. They taught her what she was now, yes, but she focused on what she wanted to become. She wanted to be like the runners who had incredible will-power, were fit, tall and leggy – as she describes them. Her first 3-4 km race was a disaster. She went out too fast, died, internally and externally, had to stop…