• 2 June 2021

    My thoughts started with a simple enquiry. “How was your afternoon?” As the words left my mouth, the person who received them burst into tears. As I gave the person a hug, I asked them “what’s up?” For the next few minutes, in between the sobs, the responder shared with me. I could not fix anything. I could not help much. But I hopefully encouraged them in the situation they were in. Next day, I sat down beside a co-worker at lunch and asked the same question “what’s up?” The same thing happened. A flurry of tears and a sharing of their frustration. Again, I tried to encourage them and…

  • 26 May 2021

    I’ve surprised myself lately by trying to learn a new computer program and being able to actually make it work and get results. The myth of “an old dog can’t learn new tricks” is not true! It often depends upon your attitude. I might be slower in grasping the concepts and running the program. I may need some reminders on – How do I do that again? – but I’m doing ok. I’m older now and my attitude is, “Well, I’ll just give it a go. I’ve got nothing to lose.” That actually is the attitude that flows into a lot of things in my life. Following God – following…

  • 19 May 2021

    One of my favorite programs on television is a show called ‘Blue Bloods.’ About a Catholic family, the Reagans,  where most of the members are policemen in the NYPD. The Father of the family is the Police Commissioner, the son of a former PC himself. The show has a human side to each problem, dilemma, storyline that is shown each week. The other night I was watching a re-run. The only daughter in this Catholic Family is a Lawyer – a District Attorney, Erin Reagan. She was representing a youth in a suspected robbery. She was trying to stay focused on the role of lawyer by focusing on the possible…

  • 12 May 2021

    I noticed the top of her head first, then the rest of her body followed. She came up from underneath the round table and onto a nearby chair, surveyed what was on the table then bopped down again. She then moved to another position around the table and she repeated the process. Hopped up onto a chair, surveyed what she could see on the table and then bopped down again and so it went on till she had gone around the entire table. At this stage I had walked over to her and asked, “Willow can I help?” Willow is my three-year-old granddaughter. She looked up at me and said,…

  • 5 May 2021

    Well, I don’t know about anyone else, but I thought this Covid virus would be abating by now a year on and the vaccine rollout happening around the world.  But when I read the news from different parts of the world, in some places like India, the virus numbers are the worst ever and the number of people dying is not stopping. What is happening Lord? In many of the countries, areas that are not as affluent as others, the numbers sick are alarming, mainly due to poor hygiene, inability to social distance, lack of hand sanitizer and failing to even have a mask. Then if they get sick, lack…