Episode 69 – Habits of Prayer Throughout Your Day (Part 2 The Discussion)
Prayer is the starting point of building our relationship with God. Emma and Sandra discuss the different habits that they have put into their lives which help maintain a life of prayer that is real and sustainable.
Episode 69 – Habits of Prayer Throughout Your Day (Part 1)
When we build habits of continuous prayer throughout our day then we are able to enter into a deeper relationship with God. In this week’s Heartbeat Emma suggests different ways that we can begin to build these habits.
Episode 68 – Building Prayer into Busy Lives (Part 2 The Discussion)
Emma and Sandra chat about fitting prayer into their lives. They recognise the struggle but also the desire to want God to be a part of their lives more.
Episode 68 – Building Prayer into Busy Lives (Part 1)
“I don’t have time to pray!” How often have you said that? The truth is that it can be tricky to fit prayer into our busy lives. In this Heartbeat Emma invites us to look at prayer with a new perspective that will help us to make prayer a part of our daily life.
Episode 67 – Are You Fully Alive? (Part 2 A Chat with Rosemary)
Life can have setbacks but we don’t want to stay there. Rosemary and Emma chat about some of the times in their lives where they have needed to step back into who God wants them to be.