Would You Like Sushi for Dinner?
“Mum, what are we having for dinner?” A question often asked in households with children. “Homemade Sushi” was the reply. “Oh, I don’t like sushi.” “Well do you like rice and chicken and celery and carrot and avocado…..” “Oh yes, I like them!” This dialogue was in our family chat. Later we all received a video of Willow, who is 4, putting rice, chicken and celery on a sushi seaweed sheet and rolling it up herself and then proceeding to eat it. It drew a smile across my face. Later reflecting upon what Jesus had done for me, in my prayer, this story came back into my mind. It explained…
Grace for Everyone
As a parent I could never be prouder. I’m talking about my children. I guess at the moment specifically about my eldest. A young woman who gives and gives and keeps on giving. She has not been handed to her a perfect life, but she has dealt with it very well. From a distance I can often see her struggles but have no ability to help her out of them. Only encouragement along the way. The journey of life for some can be harder than what others have to bear, or so it seems. But we all do have our difficulties. It’s often how we face them, our disposition, that…
You are Wanted!
There is a line in a movie I was watching that has been going round and round in my mind. The actor was talking about what Jesus was thinking when He chose US (everyone – all of mankind) to follow Him. To walk with Him in life, to be His disciples. “Jesus had everything He needed.” Jesus was complete in Himself. Unified with the Father and Spirit. He did not need us. We are the ones in NEED. The crunch line, however, was next…… “But HE WANTED US.” Oh my! How important does that make us. Doesn’t that make you feel special! We who are so weak, so frail, so…
How Does Your Heart See?
It started out as just a story but turned into a lesson on ‘seeing differently.’ There was a young baby born, his name was Rocky. His life started out like any other young baby boy’s life, eating, sleeping, growing. But it became apparent as the years went on that there was something different about Rocky’s growth. After a gazillion of tests, it turns out he was born with a condition called Fibrous Dysplasia, where abnormal growth or swelling of the bone occurs. The affected bones become enlarged, brittle and warped. Rocky’s parents tried to protect him as much as possible from physical danger due to the brittleness of his bones,…
What is Your Band Aid Covering Up?
I cannot but start this blog with another beautiful, delightful story from Willow. Willow is my 4-year-old granddaughter for those of you who don’t know. She is the youngest of four girls but often seems to be more grown up and to say things that are above her years. She had hurt herself at Kindy. She came home with a huge scratch that was bleeding all the way down her leg. Supposedly she had jumped over this book with a metal spine down the middle and did not make it. Her Mum, Melissa, put a band aid on it, more to protect it from dirt and sand from the sandpit.…