28 April 2021
The padding tries to protect the whole body. The size allows the person to walk slowly, but somewhat cumbersomely towards their opponent. The black helmet protects the head but also helps play its part in the costume. SUMO suits are what I am describing. Eden, one of my granddaughter’s, had them at her tenth birthday party. Adult sizes and children’s sizes. I was amused when I watched the two younger children bow to each other before moving forward towards each other as fast as they possibly could. It was very funny to watch each opponent trying to push the other one over. This was the aim of the game. Once…
21 April 2021
I’ve just started a new position at work. It’s a bit scary, for there are new ways to learn, new computer systems and processes. It makes me feel a bit like I don’t know anything. I’m the newbie. What goes through my head are thoughts like, “What if I can’t do it? What if I do it wrong?” The blessing is there are a few of us. Us “newbies.” All in the same boat. All hopefully learning together and have each other’s back. We are all starting a new thing. Some, even now, you can tell are more skilled (especially in computers) than others. Some already have knowledge of some…
14 April 2021
It started out as a small voice complaining that she could not get to sleep. She was not tired. She needed to go to the toilet. She needed her fluffy slippers on. (In bed?? Where’s the logic?) She needed a drink, she was thirsty. This was Willow, my three-year-old granddaughter. And then finally (this brought a smile to my face), “I’m hungry! You don’t feed me!” Her Mum, Melissa, went into her room and said, “Well you might have to eat more at the dinner table.” Melissa spoke to her quietly about some things and then Willow settled down to sleep. Then two weeks later our entire family received a…
7 April 2021
I was feeling sorry for myself. NO Easter for a second year in a row. No Church ceremonies, celebrations, no family gatherings around the table of Christ or around the dining table! I know it was supposed to be a joyous day on Easter Sunday but I was very BLAH! My husband and I were in quarantine. Still a whole week to go. Can’t go out. Stuck. After crying for most of the morning I looked and felt terrible. I tried to perk myself up a bit for a zoom meeting with the family. I even brushed my hair and dressed up a bit so as to not “scare” too…
31 March 2021
500 metres in I started to feel it. A low grade rubbing on the back of my heel. I’ve worn the wrong socks – these ones on my feet are not high enough on the back of my ankle and are starting to rub badly. I had even put on a bandaid because I suspected that being new shoes, this might happen. At each step the irritation seemed to be getting worse to the point at the 3 kilometre (1.8 mile) mark of a 5 kilometre (just over 3 miles) run/ walk I was thinking of giving up. Every step made me grit my teeth and looking down there was…